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Meditation, Tea, and Intention

  • Jewell House 46 E21st Street, 3FL New York, NY, 10010 UNITED STATES (map)

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Meditation, Tea, and Intention / MONTHLY EVENT

by Osato F. Chitou 

Date: JUNE 27th

Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm

Price: $65

Duration: 2.5hr

Jewell House
46 E. 21st Street, 3FL, New York, NY, 10010
(646) 932-1227 /



Join Omuwa Luxe as we dive into the world of meditation, tea, and setting intentions in the calming ambiance of Jewell House.

Learn to quiet your mind, find inner peace, and discover the transformative power of meditation.

In between meditation sessions, indulge in a selection of exquisite teas carefully curated to enhance your relaxation and mindfulness experience. Savor the flavors and allow the warmth of the tea to soothe your senses.

Moreover, we will delve into the art of intention-setting. Discover how to harness the power of intention to manifest positive changes in your life. Through guided exercises, you will learn to clarify your desires and set meaningful intentions that align with your truest self.

Whether you are new to meditation or a seasoned practitioner, this event is open to all. So, come as you are, leave your worries behind, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and tranquility. Take this opportunity to nurture your mind, body, and soul.

Workshop Agenda

1.     Intros

2.     Visualization Meditation

3.     Written Intentions & Tea Time

4.     Body Scan Meditation

5.     How to write Affirmations that support your Intentions

6.     Tea Time

About your host: Osato F. Chitou, Esq., MPH is an attorney by training, however, 

Osato F. Chitou, Esq., MPH  is a lawyer by training, and has received numerous accolades, awards, and recognition by pretzeling - twisting herself into a different shape in order to please a myriad of external forces. Hence it was beneficial for her to stay quiet, stay small, dull her light, and not make waves. However, when the plaster mask crumbled, she realized unpretzeling was the pathway to liberation. On her never-ending journey towards liberation, Osato has studied and utilized meditation practices to bring her closer to the freedom of being who God/Source/Universe desires her to be. Osato is dedicated to sharing the benefits of meditation and intention setting as she believes the two are critical for internal transformation. A collective of people who are internally transformed, have the capacity to change the world!

When she is not sharing the benefits of meditation and intention setting with anyone who will listen, you can find Osato running her two businesses. Osato is the Founder and Principal Consultant of Compli by Osato, which provides legal and compliance advisory services to Payors and Providers in receipt of government healthcare funds. She is also the Founder of Omuwa Luxe - a wellness brand catering to the needs of Women of the African Diaspora. Osato’s TEDx talk, Born to Shine!, encourages individuals to conduct their own internal excavations, so that they can shine brightly, regardless of the punishment. Osato also hosts the podcast: I Can't Fux With You! Confessions of an Uppity Black Woman.

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